Juice Plus+

Does the above quote describe you?  It was a perfect description of myself back in the day.  I always had good intentions.  I knew what I should be feeding my family.  I knew that it would be better for us if we ate more fruits and vegetables.  At the time, I thought that I tried.  I thought that I was putting effort into our nutrition.  It wasn't until I realized how terrible it can be for your health to not eat enough fruits and vegetables, however, that I realized that I simply wasn't doing enough for me...or my family.

I have my nutrition under control.  My health has been transformed because I look at food as my medicine.  I eat a very strict diet...and I push vegetables (and low-carb fruits) all day long now.  I simply could not make that change for my kids...or my husband, for that matter.  Juice Plus+ has given me a chance to fix this.  It fills in the gaps between what we do eat and what we should eat.  This doesn't mean that I have given up on teaching my kids (and hubby) the right way to eat.  It means that the anxiety behind not succeeding in my efforts is gone. Instead, I can focus on getting a little bit better every day.

I was a critic when I started my kids on Juice Plus+.  Given their improvements in health over the past year, however, it is undeniable that this stuff works!  The best part?  If you order an adult serving...you get a kid serving for free!  Also, the company will send you 4 months worth of product at a time...and you will pay for it in monthly increments.  If you figure in how much you are saving in cold medicine, cough syrup, tylenol, ibuprofen, time off work, missed days at childcare that you are paying for that your child won't even be showing up for, Juice Plus+ is a steal!

If you are interested, make a comment, private message me or, if you know me personally, call me.  I would love to watch the health of your family transform alongside you.




  1. Hi, so this fits into a keto diet?

  2. Same question as above. We're trying to go full keto again, but this time with less dairy. And my husband has EoE and GERD and a the daughter of a friend also has EoE, but after taking Juice Plus, it has helped with her condition immensely.


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