Tip Tuesday - Satisfy Your Craving - Low-Carb Peanut Butter Blossoms
I was talking with a friend who went Keto recently, and he told me that, while he was feeling great and losing weight, he wasn't sure that he wanted to live this lifestyle. Sometimes he just really wants a cookie. I think that anyone who has switched over to a low-carb lifestyle feels this way from time-to-time. That is why I LOVE Pinterest. If you have a craving for just about anything, you can plug it into their search engine and you will have a ton of free recipes that will satisfy that craving. Make one of these recipes, and it is doubtful that you will ever miss a cookie made the traditional way again. When you are cooking/baking with fat...the food is so flavorful, satisfying, and delicious...that you won't miss the sugar. Try this recipe to test out my theory: Low-Carb Peanut Butter Blossoms Ingredients : 1 cup organic peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice) 1/2 cup granulated Monk Fruit Sweetener (found on Amazon) 1 Egg 6-8 small...