
Showing posts from January, 2018

Tip Tuesday - Satisfy Your Craving - Low-Carb Peanut Butter Blossoms

I was talking with a friend who went Keto recently, and he told me that, while he was feeling great and losing weight, he wasn't sure that he wanted to live this lifestyle.  Sometimes he just really wants a cookie.  I think that anyone who has switched over to a low-carb lifestyle feels this way from time-to-time.  That is why I LOVE Pinterest.  If you have a craving for just about anything, you can plug it into their search engine and you will have a ton of free recipes that will satisfy that craving.  Make one of these recipes, and it is doubtful that you will ever miss a cookie made the traditional way again.  When you are cooking/baking with fat...the food is so flavorful, satisfying, and delicious...that you won't miss the sugar. Try this recipe to test out my theory: Low-Carb Peanut Butter Blossoms Ingredients : 1 cup organic peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice) 1/2 cup granulated Monk Fruit Sweetener (found on Amazon) 1 Egg 6-8 small...

Motivational Monday...What Is Your Why?

Hi, All.  Today I was thinking about why I keto.  It takes effort.  It takes choosing to be different.  It takes choosing myself first every. day.  Why in the world would anyone want to do this?  Click on the link below to hear my thoughts on this. I know that my "Why" is strong.  What is yours? KetoRunningMama

Foodie Friday - Not My Mama's Tuna Pie with Cool Cucumber Sauce

When I was in college, my mom had a recipe that she started cooking for me and my ex-boyfriend whenever we would come home to visit.  I would like to say that she made it for me...but I never heard of Tuna Pie until Brad started coming home with me, even though she described it as an "old recipe.".  He loved it.  I can still see him shoveling forkloads of this Tuna Pie into his mouth, eating it too quickly to really even taste it.  Along with all of my mom's "old recipes," it was written down on an old, yellowed, stained card that was stored safely in her little wooden recipe box. I grew to love that recipe more than I ever loved Brad.  For years, I have made it for my own family.  While I don't think of the original recipe as being unhealthy at all, it does not fit in with the grain-free, dairy-free ketogenic lifestyle that I now lead.  So, in an effort to uphold tradition, I made up a healthier, grain-free, dairy-free ketogenic version of this time...

Thirsty Thursday

Good Evening, Friends. Many of my friends who are considering going Keto or have started Keto ask me, "what the heck do you drink on Keto?"  The truth is, we can't always be good. Sometimes you need to have a treat...and, by "treat," I mean adult beverage.  I recently have found a very happy adult beverage.  It is Truly, which is a spiked sparkling water beverage.  And I must admit that on this Thirsty Thursday, I have indulged in a Truly right before I sat down to write this post.  I do not indulge much at is about all that I will have.  I have learned to listen to my body...and my body tells me that one is enough.  And with 2 net carbs, I have to say that I have very little guilt.  If you haven't tried one, go get some...and be sure to raise your glass in a toast to: KetoRunningMama

Why I Run

Click on the link below to learn about why I decided to become a runner after receiving a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis:

Tip Tuesday - Don't overdo the protein....don't underdo the veggies!

Many people who decide to eat keto get all excited about the fat...the bacon, the meat, the cheese.  The problem is, they forget that one of the most important things that you need to eat, in addition to fat, is your vegetables.  Now, I have to admit, that when I started this lifestyle, I didn't really even like vegetables.  Today, I eat 6-8 servings of them a day.  That measures up to be a WHOLE LOT of veggies.  See below how I do it: 1) Breakfast: Push vegetables as soon as you get up.  Breakfast should not only include vegetables, but it should be the main attraction.  Make your eggs (and bacon, of course) with sauteed spinach.  Slice up an avocado for the side.  I like to do this on weekends, but, during the week, I require a breakfast that I can have on the run.  My breakfast every morning, Monday through Friday, is a green smoothie.  Here is the recipe for my favorite green smoothie: KetoRunningMama Green Smoothie Ingr...

KetoRunningMama Website

If you are interested more in my story, please click on the link below.  It will take you to my website where I share more of my story and how I came to be the KetoRunningMama.  My story is one of overcoming.  When I was initially diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I thought that the life that I was used to leading was over.  I thought that I would have to accept that I was limited now.  I was afraid that I would not be able to live the life for which I have worked so hard.  It turns out, that God has greater plans than I do....and this awful diagnosis gave me the push that I needed to reclaim my health.  If any of this resonates with you....please read more of my story, located at the link below:  - Gail


KetoRunningMama Hi, All. I originally had named this blog after the name that my family had dubbed itself when I was going through the process of diagnosis, Team Moore.  Team Moore has meant a lot to me.  Team Moore expanded itself to be many people outside of my immediate family...and way outside even my extended family.  Team Moore became and ebbed and flowed....and they have been the people who convinced me that my grit would eventually take over, I would remember who I was....and MS would not overtake me.  I could not have reclaimed my health, revamped how I eat, ran two marathons, and turned this curse into a blessing without Team Moore.  Because of this...I wanted to name my blog "Team Moore" after it. After further consideration, however, I decided that I was leaving out too much information about what it is that I want to write about.  I also felt like the content that I originally wanted to focus a dairy-free, clean-eating, ketog...

Cashew Cheese Stuffed Eggplant

Being dairy-free on the ketogenic diet can be trying.  All of those gooey, cheesy recipes look so good...and anyone who is dairy-free knows that good vegan "cheese" is hard to come by.  This recipe, however, I promise, will not leave you longing for the real deal. I remember when my husband and I lived in our first house and would often eat out.  (You my previous life before MS.)  Anyway, we LOVED this tiny little Italian restaurant that was only a couple miles from our door.  We found ourselves there many Friday nights, coupon from the local paper in hand, ready to chow down.  They had many delicious foods at this restaurant, but NOTHING touched their stuffed eggplant.  The waiter, Sam, did not even need to ask me what I wanted when I showed up.  He would simply bring it to the table, and oftentimes, would slide into the booth beside me and chat up my husband and me.  Such good memories...but I don't have to just leave it in my...

Mediterranean Chicken Soup

In my former life, before I bothered to eat with purpose and consider my health when I was choosing my food, I would get together with my best friend Steph and her family often on the weekends.  We would drink it up...and we almost always ended up ordering pizza.  Now...I have to admit, that what I miss most on a dairy-free, grain-free ketogenic diet is pizza.  Steph and I would order regular pizza for the kids...and, for us, we would order a special treat....A Mediterranean Chicken Pizza.  Now, truthfully, this soup is not at all like biting into one of those delicious slices of pizza....but it gives me the Mediterranean flavors....the artichokes, the spinach, tomatoes...and the added bonus?  I don't feel sick and lethargic after eating it.  I hope that you try this recipe and like it!   - Gail Mediterranean Chicken Soup Ingredients:  3 Tbsp coconut oil 1 red onion  - chopped 6 cloves of minced garlic 1 pound cooked, shredded c...